The Best Kept Secret In Education, Auditory Processing & Sequencing In A Flash Cdrsequencing In A Flash Cdr
Special Education{SPE}
The Best Kept Secret In Education, Auditory Processing & Sequencing In A Flash Cdrsequencing In A Flash Cdr
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The Best Kept Secret In Education, Auditory Processing Booklet will give you tools to enhance most every area of your child's life. Auditory processing is a key factor in a child's neurological development and affects their ability to follow directions, comprehend, stay on task and attend. This 22 page booklet describes testing techniques as well as many activities for improving auditory processing. Sequencing In A Flash systematically increases visual and/or auditory processing levels with daily use. By using Sequencing In A Flash twice a day for two minutes, you can increase short term memory, attention span, and reading comprehension; as well as improve behavior, social skills and the ability to follow directions. Sequencing In A Flash systematically increases visual and/or auditory processing levels with daily use. During a visual sequencing session, a set amount of numbers (set by the user) are displayed on the screen for approximately 3 seconds and then removed. Once the numbers are no longer visible, the user is given the opportunity to input the numbers in the exact order that they were originally displayed. With daily work, the ability to retain visual information is increased. During an auditory sequencing session, a set amount of numbers will be spoken at approximately 1 second intervals. Subsequently, the user will have the opportunity to input the numbers in the exact order that they were originally spoken. With daily work, auditory process skills will increase, giving the user the ability to listen better, retain auditory information and have better comprehension of reading material. A correct response is rewarded with praise, or this feature can be turned off. Computer Requirements: Win: Windows 98/Me, NT 4.0/2000 or XP; Pentium 233 MHz processor; 64 MB RAM; 20 MB free hard drive space; 4X CD-Rom; 16-bit windows compatible sound card. Vista Mac: Mac OS 9.2 or later; PowerPc G3 233 MHz processor; 64 MB free RAM; 20 MB free hard drive space; 4X CD-Rom Drive Vista compatible.
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