Windows To The World - Extended Loan : An Introduction to Literary Analysis
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Windows To The World - Extended Loan : An Introduction to Literary Analysis
6 Total copies, 4 Copies are in, 2 Copies are out.
How does literature get its moving power? What's the best way to approach, read, infer, analyze, and write about literature? Windows to the World is a course in literary analysis that shows students how to look at elements and devices of literature while building and exercising Christian discernment. Units stress annotation while reading, and teach students how to spot and critique allusions, plot & suspense, parallelism, euphemism, similes, characterization, symbolism & emphasis, themes, worldview, imagery, point of view, tone, irony, as well as actually write a literary analysis essay with correct form. Actual short stories, such as "The Gift of the Magi", "The Necklace", "The Most Dangerous Game", "A Jury of Her Peers" and other literary excerpts are included, providing students with an excellent study of some classic works of fiction. Clear explanations of concepts include worksheets to fill out, writing exercises, graphic organizers, visual representations of some concepts, checklists, and other hands-on activities based upon the provided texts.
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