Exploring Creation With Chemistry Set Extended Loan
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Exploring Creation With Chemistry Set Extended Loan
22 Total copies, 17 Copies are in, 5 Copies are out.
This course provides a rigorous foundation in chemistry in order to prepare your student for college-level studies. Using a conversational tone, students are presented with challenging science concepts and thought-provoking experiments in an easily navigated, personalized format to help students methodically learn, self-check, and master difficult concepts before moving on. Students taking this course should be proficient at an algebra math level. Topics include significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and basics, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry, gas laws, and equilibrium. Experiments include measuring specific heat, discovering the electrical conductivity of compounds dissolved in water, measuring the width of a molecule, exploring freezing, point depression, using the ideal gas equation, recognizing the effects of catalysts, and much more.
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