Zumi Robot Car
Maker Ed Family
Zumi Robot Car
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Zumi is a tiny buildable self-driving car kit that’s all about making artificial intelligence approachable. Learn about how autonomous cars use sensors and cameras to navigate around the world and learn about the environment using AI. Code her using Blockly or Python. It’s the perfect way to learn not only what AI is, but how it works. Zumi is a friendly autopilot car that makes learning about artificial intelligence (AI) accessible to both kids & adults. Zumi recognizes your mood & changes face expression, you can train it to recognize faces of friends & family. With easy to follow free tutorials & activity challenges, you can quickly learn to build your very own best friend. With Zumi Coding Robot Car, you can make it do tons of activities. You can have it learn faces, objects for autopilot so it can make decisions on obstacles it will face while driving. You can code it to make different sounds for different occasions, code it to make different faces, and you can train Zumi to recognize hand gestures for its movement control. There's endless possibilities to enjoy and create scenes with Zumi as you explore and try new codes. AI can be an abstract and complicated subject, but Zumi is here to help. Help her learn more about the world she lives in so she can navigate more, and you’ll also learn skills that will soon become an integral skillset for the future. Step-by-step tutorials and a full education standards-aligned curriculum that walks you through what AI is, how it works, and how it can be used to solve real-world issues is available on the website.
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